Latest News
- Grant awards totaling $90,000 are part of New York state’s investment in arts and culture.
- Thanks to a match from Trustee James Zankel ’92 and hundreds of Skidmore community members, Skidmore Cares raised more than $30,000 and collected nearly 5,000 items for local community organizations.
- Anna Graves ’14 and Danika Robison ’10 are applying Creative Thought Matters to high school, offering at-risk students a rich world of learning opportunities and helping them graduate on time.
- Catherine Headrick ’17 has the job of her dreams as a material and trend designer of performance footwear at New Balance.
Upcoming Events
- 12/04
- 12/04
- 12/05
- 12/05
- 12/05
Academic events
Many of our educational programs, academic lectures, guest speaker events, and more are free and open to the public. We invite you to explore current offerings.
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